Westside CARES is neighbors helping neighbors. It prevents homelessness through food, clothing, laundry, healthcare, ID cards, mail, utilities, or rent assistance; and it supports people experiencing homelessness in achieving housing, work, and health goals. Each year the nearly 22,000 neighbors we serve can rely on a safe space, where everyone is valued, to access the services they need to overcome financial setbacks and achieve their goals.
Westside CARES never gives up on its neighbors because we know that community is vital for transformation. We engage relationships to leverage both preventative and remedial programs, and design solutions that meet a neighbor’s specific needs, amplifying key programs to address emerging needs. We meet neighbors where they are, as they are, and support them as they achieve their own goals for home, health, and hope.
With your help, Westside CARES can build on its 40-year history of providing responsive preventative and remedial services to our neighbors. Together, we can prevent homelessness for 500 families, help 50 houseless neighbors into forever homes, provide healthy food for 10,000 neighbors, and more.
In 2023, Westside CARES prevented 586 evictions and helped 56 previously homeless neighbors into housing. Both programs have a 90% retention rate.
“Westside CARES helped me obtain a Colorado ID, helped me get my glasses, and helped me get my own place after being unhoused since 2015. I received mail, household items and food from WSC, but above all they have been my main moral support. Because of their kindness I didn't lose hope.” — Kandy, a Westside CARES neighbor