UCCS Aging Center UCCS Aging Center - Give!
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UCCS Aging Center


The Aging Center is the only mental health clinic in the Pikes Peak region exclusively serving older adults, their families, and family caregivers, particularly those with few resources. We assist by advancing the resiliency of caregivers and helping older adults navigate late-life psychosocial challenges. We offer brief and comprehensive neurocognitive assessments as well as both individual and group treatment for depression, anxiety, and many other difficulties that make it harder to age well.


Aging happens to us all. Described as a “hidden gem,” the Aging Center is the region’s only mental health clinic linked to a nationally recognized geropsychology training program. By 2030, the U.S. will need 5,790 more psychologists to meet the needs of its older adults (65+ years old). Research shows the psychologist workforce is insufficiently prepared to address the future health needs of older adults (APA 2021).


Our goals include reducing long wait times for mid-level and advanced cognitive assessments (memory screens and full neuropsychological evaluations) and for psychotherapy services for older adults with limited financial resources and insurance plans that do not cover these services.

Did You Know

By 2030, Colorado is expected to have a 115,000-person unpaid caregiver gap due to projections showing those needing care increasing faster than those providing support (The Bell Policy Center, 2020).

“I was accepted here with low income and resources…and given support through some very difficult conflicts. The Aging Center probably saved my life.” — Anonymous

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