News Welcome Incoming Give! Executive Director Barb Van Hoy - Give!
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Welcome Incoming Give! Executive Director Barb Van Hoy

[caption id="attachment_2453" align="alignnone" width="225"]Incoming Give! Executive Director Barb Van Hoy Incoming Give! Executive Director Barb Van Hoy[/caption] Please join the Give! Campaign Board of Directors in welcoming Barb Van Hoy to the Give! Campaign.
The Give! Campaign is happy to announce the addition of Barb Van Hoy to the leadership team. Barb is joining as Executive Director of Give! and will be responsible for driving Give! to the next level, building on the solid foundation and momentum achieved over the past seven years of the campaign.
Barb is well respected as an established leader in the Pikes Peak region and has vast experience with the local nonprofit community. "I'm excited to work with our local nonprofits and donors to build on the Give! Campaign's incredible impact. By continuing to help tell our local nonprofits' stories and connecting donors who want to give with them, we can change lives and transform our community."
We welcome Barb as she immediately takes the helm as Incoming Executive Director of the Give! Campaign and becomes Executive Director effective January 2, 2017.
Thank you for your continued support as we charge ahead to build a stronger community together.

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